a Taj MuttHall Dog Diary: Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

SUMMARY: Experiments with aperture and shutter speed.


  1. I think Boost's Merle-Girl coloring helps her look like flowing water in that last photo.

  2. Ooh, that's nifty, because this is for a class and half the students seem to be taking photos of flowing water for this lesson. :-)

  3. Cool! Quite dramatic differences in both sets. That second flower photo is so pretty! Love the composition. And wow, do we ever get the sense of speed in that flowing-water-Boostie photo.

  4. I love the composition in the 2nd flower photo, too. The first one I had to retake (well--meaning go back and set up the camera again) and didn't get it quite right, curses. BUt I like the DOF on the 2nd one better anyway.
