a Taj MuttHall Dog Diary: Have Camera, Will Go To Downtown San Jose

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Have Camera, Will Go To Downtown San Jose

SUMMARY: Wordless Wednesday (with a couple of small exceptions).
Almost wordless, exception 1: With only 2 exceptions, I forced myself to upload these as shot, no editing. (Can you guess which 2 and why? Doubtful!) It was hard! So was not saying something about every photo.

Wordless exception 2: The most moving part of our explorations: The Japanese Interment Memorial. Both sides covered with emotionally stunning scenes. Here are just a couple. If you don't know about this horrific blot on America's past, you should read about it right now.


  1. OK..these are all wonderful. Was struck particularly by the row of water meters, don't know why, then the roller blader, then the stairs and the windows, the lady with the wall of photos behind her..then I lost count and went back and loved more and then I realized I'm still at work and it's almost 7 p.m. and my neck hurts and you gave me a great little break but I'm going home. But I really really love so many of these.

  2. Neat! Loved a bunch of those, they look all professional and stuff. You have such a great eye!

    Nope, I can't guess which two were edited but would be curious to hear which ones and why.

    1. Ohhh, you're SO nice to me to play my game. :-) Maybe I'll do a quick before/after post to show up while I'm gone this weekend.

    2. Which is the sort of thing that keeps making me think I should have a separate photography-related blog. But that gets complicated.

  3. Great photos! And extra kudos for the no-edit compositions!! Really great photos.

  4. Wow,you have a great eye!! Psycho donuts, LOL . Love that.

    1. Thanks! You should see the actual donuts--Insane! I took one not very good photo that I'll post eventually along with a bunch of others. This selection was definitely the best of the batch. :-)

  5. Great pics!!! Scrolled and scrolled hoping I'd see the pile of poop and I did :)

    1. Ahem. You mean, of course, "Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent." [cough cough]
