a Taj MuttHall Dog Diary: Plastic Surgery and a Trim, with Flowers

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Plastic Surgery and a Trim, with Flowers

SUMMARY: My van is back, sans big dents, and I just mowed the lawn for the first time in 2009.

Yay van! It was supposed to be another week, but somehow they got it done yesterday. So both the year-old dent in the driver door (not my fault) and the big boo-boo in the rear (officially not my fault) are fixed! And along with the latter, some little issues from leaving the rear door (ooh--sorry--I called it "rear door" at the repair shop and they said, "the hatch?" Gotta get my automotive technicalese down) accidentally open while opening the garage door. Not a good fit.

I promise NEVER to do that again!

Meanwhile, the back grassage had started to look just a wee bit raggedy, meaning that it has started growing again!
Yes, spring has sprung!
The grass has ris!
And where the heck the flowers is?
They say the bird is on the wing.
Now, isn't that a funny thing?
I always thought the wing was on the bird!
      -anonymous (really; i'm not just saying that to protect myself)

BEFORE mowing:

It takes so long to mow this scraggly patch! Mow 10 feet, stop, throw toy. Mow 10 feet, stop, throw toy. AFTER mowing (big difference, hanh?)

And meanwhile, back in the rest of the yard--

Mr. Dinosaur (who doesn't quite qualify as a dragon but he's so cute who cares) meets Mr. Daffodil:

Close up and daffodilly personal:
Orange primrose:
Blue primrose:
Daffodils standing so straight in a row:

Not daffodils:


  1. Congratulations on the:
    Dentless van
    The mowed lawn
    All the flowers!

    I don't know exactly what it is, but the purple not-a-daffodil seems to be some sort of Brassica, maybe an Erysimum (wallflower) of some sort?

  2. Awww mannn! You're killing me. We got 4 inches of snow here today. :(

    But good job on the van!

  3. Today it's back to howling winds and (in theory) rain, although it sure looks dry at the moment.

    Let's see, what the purple is--yes, I label ALL my plants so I'll remember. I'm sure it's around here somewhere... Remember how good I used to be at the old Finchester Mystery House? Plant tags on everything! Ah, well.

  4. You are proof that Spring really is gonna happen! I have hope now, thank you :)
