a Taj MuttHall Dog Diary: Best Agility View in the Universe

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Best Agility View in the Universe

SUMMARY: From Power Paws agility field at night.


  1. *wow*, what a beautiful sight... The sounds are wonderful, too -- a lovely chorus of -- crickets? and/or frogs??? and/or ___?

  2. Were you up on the mountain above Albuquerque with us a couple of weeks ago?

  3. Frogs! There's a seasonal pond on the other side of the agility field, and the frogs love it.

    I'll bet most cities look about the same at night from atop a hill this far up. So beautiful! (And just avoid thinking about the pollution and resources--)

  4. So they *are* frogs! I felt silly thinking they might be frogs, being so far up on top of a mountain... who knew there's a seasonal pond. Cool.

  5. Oh, it's not so far up. Maybe 1000 feet? (I looked it up once.) Lots of frogs live at much higher elevations. There are some in south america who live around 5,000m. (I looked that up. ;-) )
