a Taj MuttHall Dog Diary: Sneaking Out Early to Santa Teresa on a Foggy Weekday Morning

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sneaking Out Early to Santa Teresa on a Foggy Weekday Morning

SUMMARY: [Almost] Wordless Wednesday of Calfornia natives.

Fiddleneck, Amsinckia intermedia

Chia (mint family), Salvia columbariae

White thistle, Cirsium hookerianum

Brodiaea elegans

Most Beautiful Jewelflower, Streptanthus albidus peramoenus


  1. I was going to say I liked the purple one...then there was a whole bunch of purple ones! :) Really like that first purple one though, the Salvia..

  2. There were a lot of purple flowers out there.

  3. Hey, is this Tika? http://helpwithpettraining.com/clicker-training-for-dog-puppy.php

    Thought it might have been your photo... photo grabbing pisses me off!

  4. Thanks, it is. One of those annoying sites that doesn't give any way to contact them, which means they probably don't care. I can track them down--have tracked down lots before--that photo is most likely originally from wikipedia (that's what I shot it for specifically) and they're supposed to give credit and a link back there. I've spent so many hours, though, trying to get some of them to comply, that I'm less enthused for the process than I used to be. Thanks for the link; I'll look into it at some point for sure.
