SUMMARY: Please consider what I want:
- To be able to focus better on what's really important to me.
- To be a better friend and relation.
- To be able to enjoy the things I have to do as much as the things I want to do.
- To always do the right thing.
- To be able to think clearly under pressure.
- To not be unhappy about things that I am unwilling to make a serious effort to change.
- To make a serious effort to change things that bother me.
- To smile, and mean it, in agility no matter what silly things I or my dogs do on course.
- To not crave sweets so much.
- To always do my best when it's important, and to be able to let it go when it's not.
- To be able to let it go, let it go, let it go.
Ahhh....the wish list for adults...hope Santa was listening...we could all 'let it go' a bit more.