a Taj MuttHall Dog Diary: And Now--Record Colds

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

And Now--Record Colds

SUMMARY: Fun with weather in San Jose.
Not too long ago, we were having record high temps for the date, as much as 10 degrees higher than ever before in early february.

Tomorrow and Friday, they're predicting record low highs (40ish F high temp, 4.4 C) for the date.

It snowed quite a bit in the hills and mountains around us last weekend down below 1000 feet (I believe), although it didn't stay at the lower elevations. When the clouds cleared enough for me to see Mount Hamilton on Sunday, looked like this (snow gone at lower elevations):
 Usually, when the sun comes out, the snow vanishes quickly. But it has stayed cold enough that, even in the sun, the snow lingered as of yesterday afternoon:
Now they're saying--precipitation is coming along with the cold cold cold, so maybe, just maybe!, snow on the ground at sea level. First time in 35 years, if it happens.  Jan Null Weather Service says (and look for signs that the climate is warming) here's the history of snow on the ground in San Jose:
  • Feb 5, 1976, 1" (35 yrs ago)
  • Jan 15, 1952, .3" (24 before that)
  • Dec 11, 1932, .8" (20 before that)
  • Mar 3, 1896, 1" (36 before that)
  • Jan 16, 1888, .1" (8 before that)
  • Feb 5, 1887, 3.7" (wow!) (1 before)
  • Feb 7, 1884, 1.5" (3 before)
  • Dec 31, 1882, 3.5" (2 before)
  • Jan 12, 1868, 2" (14 before)
  • Dec 25, 1862, 2.5" (6 before)
Here are my scanned slides from before dawn that morning in 1976 at my parents' house in Cupertino--a loooonnnng time ago in camera years.

Now--I'm ready! Camera's ready! Bring it!


  1. But, but, but... We had enough snow on the ground in Cupertino in 1965 that we made a snowman.

  2. In '65? Really? Not in his list! Maybe cupertino's high enough that it got snow but san jose didn't? We weren't here until '68, so all I know about is this stuff, the year I was at deAnza.

    Do you see the snowman in the photo of the front of the house?It's small and pathetic but I should've mentioned it. (Look straight down from the antenna.)

  3. I could ship you some snow if you like. We got almost a foot Sunday night. And it's been so cold it's mostly all still here. The P.O. has those boxes...if it weighs less than some # of pounds it ships for the "same low price." Sounds like a plan to me!

  4. You'd have to ship at least enough for me to build a snowman with. And a bigger snowman than the one in the front yard in the old picture.
