SUMMARY: How many runs does it take to earn Tika a championship?
Hooray, boys and girls, more database fun! To earn a championship in USDAA (ADCH in Masters or APD in Performance), it takes:
- 5 Gamblers Qs
- 5 Jumpers Qs
- 5 Relay Qs (with 5 different partners)
- 5 Snooker Qs (3 of which must be Super-Qs)
- 5 Standard Qs
- 5 Tournament Qs (at least one in each of Steeplechase, Grand Prix, and DAM)
Tika earned the required Qs for her ADCH with this many runs:
- Gamblers: 27
- Jumpers: 27
- Relay: 16
- Snooker: 36 (dang Super-Qs!)
- Standard: 39 (dang contacts/etc.!)
- Tournament: She came by these well before the other Qs.
In contrast, the experienced elder Tika earned the required Qs for her APD after this many runs:
- Gamblers: 12
- Jumpers: 8
- Relay: 7
- Snooker: 7 (4 of the required 5 Qs were Super-Qs!)
- Standard: 18!! (dang contacts/etc!)
- Tournament: Whipped those out!
Cool statistic! She's clearly come a long way.