Zorro and his Human Mom (me) have been working on a bunch of things suddenly this month. In addition to the nosework that we started...4 weeks ago already?... last week we started Advanced pet dog training as a refresher at the local PetCo (we did all that 9 years ago or so, but don't practice enough). Including things like reactivity and paying impromptu attention to the human even when not in a specific training situation.
Zorro can be quite reactive on leash. Or not. HM was a bit worried beforehand, especially seeing the small training area and learning that the other 2 dogs in the class are large males, which Zorro is more likely to take exception to than much smaller or female dogs. Lo and behold, everyone has behaved exceptionally! And we are mostly working outside the little fenced area, throughout the pet store, so there's space aplenty. (9 years ago, for beginning and advanced classes, Zorro was so wild a couple of times that I had to put him back into the car eventually and go inside by myself. Thank goodness he has mellowed out to the world so much!)
I also realized that, although we practice sits, downs, waits lots at home, we don't much practice elsewhere, or that loose leash walking let alone like a heel, or waiting before going through a gate or door (can you say "gradual relaxation of criteria"?). Our goal is to get Zorro's CDC, since almost all my other dogs have earned it.
Yesterday was our second session, and he is a champ at some things (sit and down on command, although staying there is iffy; I always intended these commands to have an implied "stay" but clearly we need to work on that--but I knew that just from working at home) (and come when called (now that he knows I have a handful of treats)) (and spontaneously looking at me) (and paying attention to me instead of to the other dogs when they walk by, which is a specific class exercise).
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