a Taj MuttHall Dog Diary: July 2018

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Bye, Tillie

SUMMARY: Sometimes appliances have names, too

Wayyyy back just a couple of years before this blog started, I had a very large yard that wasn't landscaped, and so a couple of times each spring and summer we'd rototill under all the volunteer greenery. For that, we had borrowed one belonging to friends until we got our own not too long into our residency there. Both theirs and ours went by "Tillie." As in, "Tillie and I are going to go work in the back 40 now." So much less impersonal.

Then I sold the place in 2000, and Tillie has been in the shed ever since. I've known for several years that I was unlikely to ever need her again, and finally have just given her away.

Thanks to NextDoor for making this possible--3 people were interested in a heavy-duty free rototiller even if it needed some work.

Troy Bilt rototiller with Tecumsah HH60 engine. Very heavy; used it in my previous half-acre lot for years and it ran fine. Now it's been sitting in my weatherproof shed for 17 years (so any rust was there back when I was using it) and it's time for it to go. I didn't leave gas in it, so I expect it to work after you replace the oil that leaked out on one of the tires (which now needs replacing). Oh, and I had forgotten that it had a battery, too, and I never disconnected that, so who knows. No guarantees, sorry. Link to more photos: https://elf1.smugmug.com/Special/Yard-Gear-Going-Away-2018/
And I found this video of someone demonstrating how to use the engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJmMsdHZj9Q

I cannot deliver or help load it--it is extremely heavy and I don't have ramps for it.
Off she has gone to her new home (or foster home or whatever you'd call it).

Next to go: Chip. 

No, not this one:

This one:

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

The Out Of Box Experience

SUMMARY: Might not be up to Steve Jobs' standards, but works for these customers.

Apparently Zorro got loose on Chewy.com again with my credit card. This arrived today.

Whut iz, Human Mom? Iz smells... of interestings.

Oooh, whut in here iz?

Eyes get suddenly very very big

Is puts noze way ins for better of smellings is!

Back offs, Zorro Poopyhead, iz me is founded first!

Uh-oh, did you catch this little jealousy teeth display in that last one?

Zorro inhales deeeeeeply

Wez is founded things of not belonging for Human Moms! We iz takings now.