a Taj MuttHall Dog Diary: Applesauce

Saturday, April 15, 2017


SUMMARY: Human Mom Actually Cooked

I've actually cooked so seldom in recent years, that this was a landmark event. Cooked for my company's holiday party the other weekend. (Yes, really. Holiday party.) This was my first cookbook and my mom's first cookbook. And this might have been the first recipe I ever cooked from. Have made it many times since then. Pretty simple, particularly if you have a Foley Food Mill, which I got years ago specifically for making applesauce!

Side note: Discovered that Chip either doesn't like apples or maybe it's the cloves. Wouldn't lick the dish afterwards. Zorro, however, took up the slack. (No photos of that part, sorry.)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Too bad I ate it all already. ;-) Recipe's easy; it's getting the texture if you don't have the right gear. But could always peel the apples first and then use food processor or some such, too. (I used only about half the sugar it called for & it might not even need that much, depending on your taste.)
