a Taj MuttHall Dog Diary: Team Jumpers Videos

Monday, June 04, 2007

Team Jumpers Videos

SUMMARY: Bette, Boost, and Tika videos

Here's videos of Boost's sister dog (Bette), then me running Boost, then Tika, in Team Jumpers (about 2.6 MB).


  1. Nice runs and you look like your knee is holding up well too.


  2. It's doing OK. Worst part is sitting still for any length of time; it gets quite stiff quite quickly, and if it's been too long, then I have to ease into standing up or I'll fall right over, it's so painful and/or weak (I haven't completely figured that one out). But a little adrenaline, as usual, goes a long way, too. :-)


  3. Wow. I'm very impressed with your running with a painful knee! I have lower back pain a lot and often wimp out at the end of trial days and let my hubster run my dog cuz my back kills me. It embarrasses me and folks are always asking why in the world my hubster's running my dog, cuz I look fine, but I feel awful. I have a hard time explaining that.

  4. Actually it's not bad at all when it's warmed up, which I neglected to mention. I just have to make sure that I give myself a few minutes to move slowly, then a little jogging in place or something. And I really don't feel it on course, and it hasn't been swelling or getting worse, and walking around is fine. It's just that initial standing up thing.

