SUMMARY: Not really Wordless Wednesday
My father is gone. We've been going through everything in the house with my mom's help.
Ah, the Adirondacks, where they met and spent their honeymoon and managed two lodges and took us kids hiking and camping. Lean-tos are a big part of that memory.
If you ever read Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods, these are the huts he refers to.
Found this watercolor of a lean-to that my mom used to display. Source unknown.
Here's mom camping at a lean-to when she and dad were dating, Dad behind camera.
All of us out for a day hike (plus at right a lanky neighbor teenager sometime-babysitter), Dad behind camera again and his usual giant pack among us.
Dad before we all arrived, not in a lean-to, but undoubtedly near one.